April 2008

I picked up your article on the Eskom-crisis on the —– website and followed the links to your ministry. It was very refreshing and it was like running into a fellow member of a small, denigrated but still vigorous little band. I then read your article on Faith Like Potatoes and heartily concur with your conclusions. I only saw the movie on television over December and I was enormously disturbed by it. It is projected with such arrogant, feel-good posturing; such an overblown regard for its own moral position. The cap-line was Frank’s [the main character’s] concluding statement to his adoring farm workers while fondling a freshly-harvested potato: Faith must be like this potato. You must be able to feel it. This is of course classic Hagin/Copeland theology which contends that faith is a tangible force to be sent out to do the believer’s bidding.

I also heartily agree with your stance on the Roman Catholic church. Surely, there has been no more evil organization in the history of the world.

South Africa

Thank you for all your trouble in answering all my questions. I know you are very busy and things like these are time consuming. The one on the Textus Receptus and the Majority Text has been especially helpful…

A friend with some knowledge about other troublesome areas in South Africa warned that our water is a cesspool as we all should know by now. Very soon clean water could also be a thing of the past. Petrol supplies are also going to affect our lives negatively. May the Lord help us not to become bitter, but to look to Him for all our needs, our safety and specific direction. We are not living in easy times. It might prove very difficult for us who grew up in peaceful and convenient times. I saw a photo of Nigeria’s miserable electricity poles and lines, and wondered how long it is going to take for us to get to such a state of neglect and incompetence. The Lord knows that and what we are going to face…

We desperately need the Word of God to be preached in our country. It is very possible that our country will be in ruins before the Lord comes back. May our Lord and Saviour keep you and your family in good health and filled with much hope in Him as we live in a hopeless country. May we be salt and light for those around us.


Last month I listened to your teaching tapes on Liberation Theology and it was very good – yet so very, very tragic for the ones who are caught up in that lie.


Nice that you can condense a huge history into a concise article [The Jesuits: the Secret Army of the Papacy]…. The electricity issue in SA hit news here a bit, at least in the fine print and yet it will absolutely escape everyone the connection between the ANC and the issue which is being reported. The way people perceive or think about SA is just a total aberration to any other country in the world. It demonstrates the epitome of media brainwashing…. People cannot and will not tolerate anything but the politically correct line even if it counters their own thinking in most other areas.
