The Jesuits Ecstatic Over the Fraudulent Biden Victory

The Jesuits Ecstatic Over the Fraudulent Biden Victory, PDF format

This article will not delve into the immense and blatant fraud and corruption which occurred in the 2020 presidential election in the United States, which produced a hasty, prematurely-announced, phony “victory” for Joe Biden over Donald Trump.  There are innumerable articles exposing this, and anyone who thinks that Biden won freely and fairly has been duped by the lies and propaganda of the lamestream media.  Trump was the runaway victor.  Biden “won” only by massive cheating on a scale never before witnessed in America.  This stolen election has changed America for the worse, possibly forever.  Its electoral process is now the same as that of any Third World, corrupt African dictatorship.  For sheer scale and brazenness, it is far worse. Continue reading