September 2017

There has recently been a big broo-ha-ha over here with James White, of all people.  He is a big apologist with Muslim Imams.  But recently he had a “dialogue” with an Imam in a “reformed” Baptist church one night and then went to the Imam’s mosque the next.  They were “finding agreement” and sharing where they disagree.  I have watched a few portions and have been shocked.  They weren’t debating, they were dialoging and at different times the Imam is saying all kinds of untruths (of course) and is never challenged on them by White.  Things pertaining to the Lord Jesus’ nature and other like things.  This Imam was given time to spew the false beliefs of Islam and was not challenged, from what I can see, because it’s just a dialogue.  Then White speaks only of the death of Christ, and not the resurrection, which of course Muslims do not believe in.  I found what I watched to be very troubling. I also heard a clip at the end of the “dialogue” in the mosque where White says to the audience, “God bless”.  Did Paul “dialogue” with the pagans on Mars’ Hill?  Did he try to find places of agreement? Another man with a  radio show (there are SO many) came out attacking him for doing this and it’s been going back and forth for over a week. Name calling and insults are flying all over the place.  The world must look at this kind of thing and laugh as it brings reproach to Christ.  The behavior on both sides has been bad.

United States 

I read your article about the fires in Portugal [Portugal’s Fires 2017: What the Pope Blesses, the Lord Curses].  The Lord will not be mocked, and Roman Catholicism is the greatest mocker of God there is. The sad thing is that what will probably happen is that the Antichrist will use the tragedy to draw the deceived followers of his into more deception.  Maybe even non-Roman Catholics will turn to “mother church” at this time.  It is sickening to see how that Man of Sin deceives these poor, gullible people as he’s crushing them spiritually and financially.  How much will the Vatican make on all of the funeral masses?  And to keep loved ones out of purgatory?  We can be fairly confident that many, if not most, of the victims were Roman Catholics.  It is amazing how many so-called blessings popes have given and then the Lord curses them; yet people do not take heed.  
I am seeing more and more how tiny the Lord’s flock really is.  With all the so-called big name Evangelicals signing Papist documents, dialoguing with Muslims to find common ground (with MANY professing Christians defending it), walking labyrinths and speaking at conferences with women “preachers”, etc., etc., you see more and more the Word of God being perverted for men’s’ ends.  It seems to me that most, if not all, of the big-wig Evangelicals are totally compromised or just plain false.  They all like to focus attention on the blatantly false teachers like Hinn and Osteen, but they do not look at themselves and see that they totally disregard the Lord’s command to separate from every false thing.  They willingly associate with men who sign the Manhattan Declaration as you well know.  And those same ministries (MacArthur’s head guy is who I’m thinking of) are defending White’s dialogue with an Imam and condemning anyone who criticizes it.  They love Beeke and Piper, who have proven themselves to be false.  We are really in a tiny minority.

United States

Your recently posted articles are very instructive and badly need to be heeded today [e.g. Digital Technology: Its Use and Abuse].  The adverse effect of digital technology on cognition in the young, with attendant health effects of an indoor lifestyle, over-exposure to artificial light etc., and that’s before the subject matter itself is borne in mind.  God has given us night and day for a purpose.  People love darkness when their deeds are evil.  How this technology aids and abets all this.  Now too, a whole world of eavesdropping opportunities has been birthed with spying apps and TVs with inbuilt spyware – all very “Smart”.


Thank you for the materials you keep sending out – they are interesting reading, and very instructive.  The recent article [Portugal’s Fires 2017: What the Pope Blesses, the Lord Curses] made me realise just how much God is working against the Roman Church.  Truly to the elect there should be no doubt who the Antichrist is!
Truly, we are living in the “last days” when the world is like Sodom and Gomorrah…. Canada can jail you for using the wrong “gender pronoun”, for instance if you “identified” as a “ze” (instead of he or she) then anyone who still calls you differently can be prosecuted.  Also that the feminist government of Sweden considered imposing a “male tax” due to the “wage gap” of men and women, plus wore hijabs to their first day in office as a sign of solidarity with Muslims.  It makes me sick inside to see the way this world is going.  Also, it is getting a lot worse lately in the UK with the attacks in London and Manchester.


What you wrote about apes was truly amazing [Are Apes People Too?].  People have lost their minds.  I love animals as much as the next person, but these things are ridiculous and show the total depravity of man.  We were just watching a National Geographic DVD where they did a segment on polar bears and how the males will readily eat the little guys.  And also a mouse which will gladly eat its fellow mouse. It makes you wonder when cannibalism will be legalized since we’re no better than animals!  And as you said, these people are total hypocrites.  We certainly live in Romans 1!  What that woman said about terrorism makes the blood boil.  They use the DNA argument fallaciously to be sure!  People who are so blindly zealous for such unrighteous things become really stupid.  Their zeal for insanity drives them mad really.  They can’t reason or think properly anymore.
I agree that these “famous” preachers are showing their true colors more and more.  I heard a clip of Al Mohler defending the Southern Baptist Convention supporting the building of a mosque in New Jersey. I’m sure after Elijah prayed to the Lord and fire came down from heaven, devouring the alter etc. that afterwards he started a petition to get a temple of Baal built so that everyone would have freedom of religion & worship.  These men are deceivers.  Worse yet, he readily yokes with Rome and believes there will be millions of Roman Catholics in heaven.

United States

… thanks to God for such faithful ministry, a true shining light in dark times.


Thank you for this [The Life and Legacy of David Livingstone] and the other amazing and interesting pamphlets.  These are of great importance in a world of nonsensical “news.”  Remembering you in thanks and prayer.
