December 2007

We just read your article re: our “alien invasion” [America’s Alien Invasion: the United States is Becoming Roman Catholic]. It is excellent – we hadn’t thought of the Vatican being behind it all, but it makes perfect sense!…. We’ve been noticing, ourselves, how MANY Catholics there are now [in California]! It feels already like we live in a Catholic country.

United States

What comfort and encouragement many of these letters [the previous Postbox and Inbox] brought to me, as I could identify (wholeheartedly) with some of the remarks made by the other Christians who wrote in. Yes, in so many ways Bible Based Ministries has been such a blessing and such a source of Biblical light and truth. I praise the Lord for the help and enlightenment your hard work and teaching has brought to me personally, as I continue to grow in God’s Word and treasure His Holy Scriptures. In fact, at the moment I am studying from most of your prophetic tapes (as I, too, had been warped/confused by Futurist teachings/writings when our family was a part of a Charismatic and Baptist church).

United States

In addition to your book on pagan festivals, I plan on ordering your other two, Satan’s Seat and “Holy War” against South Africa. I always believed South Africa was betrayed by the US government, since the ANC is communist and responsible for the butchery of so many black South Africans, as well as white South Africans. After all, as you know too well, it was the ANC who killed so many with the horrible method known as “necklacing.”

I am also interested in your many booklets and tracts which you have on various topics. I will go to your website and sign up for the mailing list. Thank you for standing for the truth and contending for the faith once delivered to the saints. Soli Deo Gloria!

United States

[Regarding the article “Rocky Balboa”: a “Christian Boxer”?]: You are a little or actually a lot judgmental there brother, we are to be witnesses not judges! Seems as if you are ticked about his [actor Sylvester Stallone’s] faith or belief system, it is not according to yours, but you will say it is the Bible you get yours from. Just remember this, interpretation!

What about Psalms 144:1: Blessed be the Lord my Rock who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle.

I know some great Christian men who are boxers, I mean if a Christian can be a ditch digger, doctor or lawyer why not a boxer?

But, you know I do not have conflict with all your views, I agree with a lot or at least some. Just seems as if you are punching yourself brother.

United States